“The Hongkong Japanese Club” is a non-profit club, established in August 1955 with 16 corporate members and approximately 90 individual members.
As of June 2013, after 59 years after the Club’s establishment, there are 318 corporate members and 2,188 individual members (including 536 international members).
Under Hong Kong law, “The Hongkong Japanese Club ” ,which previously functioned under the Societies Ordinance, has functioned under the Companies Ordinance since September 14, 1993. At present, “The Hongkong Japanese Club ” falls within the category of a limited liability company. The Club is managed by “the Board of Directors”, currently consisting of 25 directors as per the rules of “the Articles of Association of the Hongkong Japanese Club”.
The objectives of the Club are to promote friendship and mutual assistance amongst members, to improve the welfare of the members, and to extend services and friendship to the wider Hong Kong community.
To accomplish these objectives, the Club provides facilities for members e.g. restaurants and meeting rooms, and organizes cultural and sports activities and interest groups for members. These are managed and supported by various internal departments at the Club.